Livro: "Informational search: the representation of the national policy on solid waste on electronic sites of computer manufacturers"


Imagine the following situation, an old television (tube) discarded in the streamof a river. It was exactly this scenario that was designed and gave rise to initialinquiries, mainly regarding the questioning of the disposal process. Basic questionslike, action verification can be considered as correct, does this attitude cause anyimpactful relationship in the environment? If at least one of the questions is negative,we can still glimpse and see if there are possibilities and alternatives for effectiveaction. Mainly checking and aiming, the harmonic result of the inevitable use ofelectronic devices and the environment.The vast majority of readers will be able to identify the conduct in disposing ofelectronic devices incorrectly in the environment as erroneous. Therefore, we canadvance a little more in our thoughts, when we list the object, the information. Thisobjective proposition, the verification of the availability of information in a correct way,mainly when we deal with information to users of electronic devices.The central issue regarding the availability of information effectively, in view ofthe disposal of electronic equipment, which are the responsibilities of the agents(government, manufacturer and users), the structure of this book has been outlined.Chapter 1 presents general notions of the research problem, placing the reader withinthe research scenario. Chapter 2 deals with information as an object and itsmanagement.Chapter 3 covers the entire trajectory of electronics from its conception, lifecycle and market aspects, accelerating the disposal process. Following in Chapter 4,we will trace the environmental impacts resulting from the incorrect disposal ofelectronic devices, actions such as the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) andminimizing environmental actions / laws. In Chapter 5 and 6, we will learn aboutbusiness actions and strategies, mainly focusing on processes of Reverse Logistics,Green Product and Green Marketing.In Chapter 7 we will present the research protocol to verify the availability ofinformation, with the objective of the effective correct disposal of electronic devices, aswell as the availability of information. And finally, in Chapter 8, presentation of theoverview of practices effectively exercised by computer manufacturers. In Chapter 9,the presentation of debates perceived by the studies carried out.We hope that, at the end of the book, the reader can perceive an inevitablereality, the use of technological resources. Therefore, one must think about how tomanage its use and disposal, with the objective of welfare to the environment.Thoughts and responsibilities that must be extended to all government agents,manufacturers and consumers / users of electronic devices.


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